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Therians: The Awakening

About the Project

Brought to the Americas during the human trafficking trade, Therians are a unique race of shape-shifting pre-humans, each more powerful than ten men. Governments around the world have forced them underground, secretly monitoring their existence and brainwashing them to have zero consciousness of their true history.

The only hope for their liberation lies within the will of a mute, teenaged Therian boy named Abin Best. But will he choose to take on the responsibility to help his people regain their rightful place as Gods among men?




    Character Illustration to Photo Realism Conversion for Kickstarter campaign

  • DATE

    March 2019


Equi - Clay Heads

My Role

My essential role in this project was to create 13 unique, photo real characters. These artworks are used in the (now successfully funded) Kickstarter campaign to promote the Therians motion comic book as 8x10 canvas prints.

The first character that I was tasked to start with was "Equi", a Therian slave stolen from the lands of Africa.

Equi Poster
Equi - Clay Head CloseupEqui - Head Closeup